Annual Collaborative Conference
AICUO is excited to announce the Annual Collaborative Conference is scheduled for Thursday, June 5 at The Point at Otterbein University. The conference brings together decision makers from our 50 member colleges and universities to promote collaboration and discussion. Working closely with our Affiliate Members and member Institutions, this conference includes relevant and timely sessions covering a variety of topics of interest.
Presentation Proposals
We are now accepting proposals for the Annual Collaborative Conference. We ask that each session be education and highlight innovation or thought leadership within your industry. There are a variety of track sessions for the conference, and you are welcome to submit more than one proposal. Please submit your proposal here.
Below are guidelines for submission:
Must be an active AICUO Affiliate Member or Member Institution to submit a proposal.
Sessions should be 45-50 minutes in length and allow for 10-15 minutes of Q&A.
Sessions should identify industry specific challenges, changes or innovation that you bring. Special consideration for proposals that include innovations and AI technology.
Please include AICUO campus representatives, case studies, and best practices where possible.
AICUO reserves the right to revise presentation titles and session descriptions of selected presentations.
Submission of presentation does not guarantee participation in the conference.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Platinum ($5,000) - Full page ad in conference brochure, recognition on website and tables, recognition throughout the day, vendor table, and five conference registrations.
Gold ($3,500) - Half-page ad in conference brochure, vendor table, and four conference registrations.
Silver ($2,500) - Quarter-page ad in conference brochure, vendor table, and three conference registrations.
Bronze ($1,000) - Listed as a sponsor in conference brochure, vendor table, and two conference registrations.
*limited sponsorships available for each level
Registration Forthcoming
Registration will be $75 per person and includes breakfast and lunch.
Contact Jamie Squillante for more information.
Jamie Squillante
Manager of Events and Office Administration