Professional Licensing Resource Hub
Financial Value Transparency and Gainful Employment (FVT/GE) Resource Hub
FVT/GE Example Institution Workbook
Webinar Recordings
Association of Institutional Research (AIR) Parts One and Two Webinar
AIR Part One Webinar Slides
AIR Part Two Webinar Slides
Thompson Coburn LLP FVT/GE Webinar
Thompson Coburn LLP Projecting Debt-to-Earning Rates under FVT/GE Webinar
National Student Clearinghouse Webinar Recording
Summary Documents
AICUO Visual Guide on FVT/GE
AICUO Federal Higher Education Regulations Checklist
AICUO Federal Higher Education Regulation Updates for 2024 Overview
AIR Summary of Reporting Requirements
NAICU FVT/GE Summary of Final Rules
ACE Regulation Summary FVT/GE
US Department of Education (ED) Fact Sheet
ED Presentation Slides on FVT/GE
Duane Morris FVT/GE Overview
Thompson Coburn LLP Desk Guide on FVT/GE
National Student Clearinghouse Board Presentation Slides
Current General Assembly
The Budget - House Bill 96
AICUO House Finance Subcommittee TestimonyPrevious General Assemblies
The Budget - House Bill 33
AICUO House Finance Subcommittee Testimony
AICUO Senate Workforce and Higher Education Committee Testimony
University of Findlay Testimony
Notre Dame College
Ohio Dominican University Testimony
Tiffin University Testimony
Ursuline College Testimony
529 Savings Plans - House Bill 125
AICUO House Ways and Means Committee Testimony
Foster to College Scholarship Program - House Bill 164/Senate Bill 182
AICUO House Finance Committee Testimony
AICUO Senate Finance Committee Testimony
Armed Forces Reserve Component Scholarship Program - House Bill 242
AICUO House Higher Education Committee Testimony
Student Choice Program - House Bill 462
AICUO House Higher Education Committee Testimony
Suicide Hotline - House Bill 571
AICUO House Behavioral Health Committee Testimony
CAMPUS Act - House Bill 606
AICUO House Higher Education Committee Testimony
Name, Image, and Likeness - House Bill 660 and House Bill 687
AICUO House Civil Justice Committee Testimony for HB 660
College Credit Plus Program - Senate Bill 104
AICUO Senate Workforce and Higher Education Committee Testimony
AICUO House Higher Education Committee Testimony
The Budget - House Bill 110
AICUO Testimony
Ohio Department of Higher Education Testimony
University of Findlay Testimony
Franklin University Testimony
Malone University Testimony
The Growing and Retaining Ohio’s Workforce (GROW) Act - House Bill 514
GROW Act Press Conference
AICUO Testimony
Bluffton University Testimony
Higher Education Overhaul - Senate Bill 135
AICUO Testimony
Aultman College Testimony
University of Findlay Testimony
Kettering College Testimony
Muskingum University Testimony
Pandemic Related Changes - House Bill 673
AICUO Testimony
Aultman College Testimony
Case Western Reserve University Testimony
University of Dayton Testimony
Xavier University Testimony
Emily Tully
Executive Vice President of Operations and Government Relations
Lauren Reid
Director of Legislative Affairs