Data Analytics Publications
Graph of the Week is a weekly graph relating to higher education. Issue Briefs are a quarterly newsletter featuring detailed analysis of an issue related to higher education. Posts are ordered by the most recent date. Use the publication types, topic links, or the search bar to explore additional posts.

Where are out-of-state Ohio independent freshmen from?
Higher education is a key driver of migration to Ohio. The Ohio independent college sector alone enrolled nearly 9,000 first-time, out-of-state students in 2020. This month’s Tableau dashboard provides a snapshot of this impact.

The 2025 Enrollment Cliff
The issue brief for November 2021 discusses the coming 2025 enrollment cliff and implications for policy.

The Truth About: Brain Drain
The issue brief for March 2021 discusses the threat to state economic prosperity posed by brain drain and potential policy solutions.
Mary Cianciolo
Communications Manager